Thursday, October 29, 2009

There killing me Larry.........

So this morning my cute, sweet little man comes downstairs stark butt naked. It is probably only about 50 degrees in the house! If that. So I hurry to get him dressed and his birthday outfit from grandma was the only thing downstairs still so I put that on him. He looks SO HANDSOME!!! Sage says "put his wild rag on him" so I did and grabbed the camera..........some days it just works out that you can get a good picture. Normally he is sticking his tongue out at me but today he smiled and got on his horse for me. What an angel! I think he was pretty proud to wear it for grandma too since she is coming out this morning.

Boots and all! Thank you Grandma!!!


Shirley said...

Now that is a cute picture! What a handsome l'il cowboy! (LOL, my word verification is cowdu- add de and you get cowdude!)

Acton Buff said...

Wow, what a great looking kid. You litle buckaroos are beautiful.

og said...

These are so wonderful !!!
I can't believe how grownup is is getting and SO handsome.