Thursday, September 24, 2009

When life gives you lemons..........

This was supposed to be a first day of 1st grade class picture. Well, we do homeschool but Sage is such a social girl I thought it would be nice to have her in a class at least once per week. Her class was supposed to be on Wednesdays in Quartz Hill, which is still about an hours drive to get her there. We finally find it after confirming with her teacher the location and day/time and they say to us "Oh, she is enrolled at the Palmdale location, there are no classes here today" WHAT???
So after our whole day gets shot out of the water (it takes quite a bit of planning to go to town living so far from town like we do) we did alittle Halloween shopping.
Then we spent the night with Gramma so that we could be helpful to her after the fire there is a million new chores that have crept up. Including running a generator to fill their water tank since the fire also burned up the pump house. So we kicked butt and got alot of the insurance paperwork knocked out but we had black feet from the ash so we headed out to get pedicures today.

Ahhhhhh, much better!

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