Last night Jeremy and I were watching Intervention when the dogs started barking. Close to the house. So Jeremy went out to check on things. The dumb dogs must have heard the babies making noises. About 11pm and there they were finally. I was outside all day yesterday and had hoped to see them born..........I don't know why watching them be born is so much of a thrill. I just love that part. I had expected a bunch of kids cause she was so darn big. She had four one year! I couldn't believe it. I got to see the last three that time. There was only two this time.

This handsome buck, and behind her.........

A sweet little doe kidlet. This is why I keep goats. And watching them venture out into the sunshine today. Oh and then in a week or so when they will be jumping and playing. They are fun. As long as they stay in their pen and don't kill my trees.
They are so cute, but turn into little rascals in a hurry! Glad mama had no trouble.
OH CUTE BABIES!! I love them, I wish we could have goats, but the dogs think they are to eat... but I LOVE to see the babies. They're going to be fun in a week when they start hopping and bucking :)
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