Sunday, September 19, 2010

A lazy Sunday.

This wasn't actually this Sunday. I think it was a couple of Sundays ago. It was a beautiful day and we all got to just laze around and do whatever we wanted with our time.

My handsome little man. Doing what he does best. Digging in the dirt and playing with his tractors. Is he not the cutest thing you have ever seen?

This is what I found Jeremy doing. I think it was right before I called him a sissy and told him to get naked and get in with her.

He took me serious and did it!!! This is all I will show of the pics though!


Mikey said...

Very cute, both kid and horse! Love how you made him get in too. I think that's only fair!

Janice said...

This is my first time checking out your blog. I am adding you to my favorites.You kind of left us hanging in your Prissie post. What was your son doing that he hurt his foot. Glad you didn't step in it....wouldn't that be adding insult to injury.I'm with ya ....sometimes life just ain't pretty.

Brandie said...

Hello Janice. Glad you like my blog. Although I am hit and miss on my posts sometimes......He didn't actually hurt his foot it was just the poop on it and my daughter just assumed he hurt it cause it was dark and he was crying about his foot. Ahhhh the joys of children and pups!