He needed to take a nap and wouldn't settle so I thought a car ride might work.
Anyhow, the car ride only proved to dislodge the chunks Steele blew all over the car on the way back down the mountain. The funniest thing you ever saw is Jeremy (major gagger) getting a poor spewing curdled milk little boy out of the car. Why I gave him milk I can't answer, wasn't a good idea that's for sure. So we got him home as quick as we could and settled him on daddy's lap while I cleaned out the car and washed all the soiled items. Sage, I might add the best little sweet trooper girlie ever. She toughed up and rubbed his head on the way home since I was driving and Jeremy couldn't put that arm (left arm is his bad one, although it is healing remarkable well!) back in the back seat.
He is doing great now, just a one dayer. He was up at the crack of dawn the next day. As a matter of fact he left the house before we even woke up and we paniced and ran all over looking for him. Pretty soon Paul showed up at the house to get coffee with one missing little boy in the front seat. He thought Paul needed help feeding I guess. Little turd scared the crap out of us!
1 comment:
You're swamped with the sick kiddos! I hear that! I just did a post on the things they don't tell you you'll deal with while having children. Projectile vomiting is top of the list :) Hope everyone gets better!!
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