Saturday, April 4, 2009

New calves

Are you sick of seeing cows yet?

This one is a bit older. I wish he wouldn't have been stealing the show. The one behind him was very cute.
Ah and this sweet girl is Horny and her brand spanking new one. She did us proud a heifer. Jeremy got out of the car and was going to go lift up it's tail. I sure wish I would have videoed me heckling him and watching Horny shake her head at him the minute he opened the car door. She doesn't mess around when she has a calf. Can't you just see it in her face?!

I just love it when they are black and warm from the sun.....

I took this picture just because of how pretty the brand is. Can you see it?

A first time heifer and her calf. We didn't even think she was pregnant.

1 comment:

gtyyup said...

Beautiful out there Brandie! You momma cows are very nice...great lookin' calves.